How to transition to natural skincare

How to transition to natural skincare - 5 tips

How to transition to natural skincare

10 years ago I had terrible skin. I kept getting breakouts at the most inconvenient times. I tried all the topical anti acne creams but nothing worked. A good friend suggested switching to a natural foundation. Out of desperation I did. Four  weeks later my acne had all but disappeared. I was curious. “What was I actually putting on my face?” Just a little research later I was ready to transition to clean and natural skincare and makeup.

WHAT IS Clean Skincare?

So, I hear you ask. What are clean skincare products? Largely they are products that contain natural ingredients and transparent, unmysterious labels. It’s about eliminating as many toxins as possible from our daily products. What’s more they are green. 

Our skin is our largest organ. A Harvard University research paper tells us that what we put on it ends up in our bloodstream! Not only that, but, according to the paper, personal care products often end up in our water supplies since we rinse them off down the drain. 

So how should you transition to natural skincare? 

Here are three steps.

1. Transition in stages

Changing everything at once is not only overwhelming but can be really expensive. Start off by replacing your products as they run out. This will give you time to scope out the natural alternatives that you want to use.

2. Keep it simple

The cosmetic industry will try to persuade you that you need a specific product for every body part! But this just complicates your life and depletes your bank account. Keep your routine simple, but effective. You only need a handful of products that work for you.

3. Don’t freak out if your skin purges

It’s important to remember that when switching to a new skincare routine, your skin may get worse before it gets better. This is called skin purging; the process of speeding up your skin cell turnover to shed dead skin cells faster than normal revealing clear, younger looking skin. But, before this can happen, all of the gunk and bacteria that is trapped deep in the pores needs to rise to the top. This is what causes a few pimples as you transition. Now your skin needs a full skin cycle of 28 - 42 days to clear out all the toxins, so don’t be alarmed and throw in the towel. Just exercise some patience.

Products like Vitamin C serum and a balancing cleanser reach deep into the skin and help to balance oil production efficiently. The Detox and Hydrate clay mask absorbs impurities stuck in the pores.  No doubt you will experience some of the benefits of natural skin care right away, such as the powerful nourishing and hydrating properties.

Transitioning to natural skincare doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start small and gradually add products. Or if you’re ready to take the leap, take a look at our Natural Skincare Package to get you started.

P.s. whenever you’re ready…here are two ways we can help you create healthy radiant skin

  1. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. It’s where we load specials and our latest products

  2. Visit our shop to see our natural skincare range


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